![shutterstock_1808645731 [Converted].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/625e5f_1a06e614b3584c4a98b03e1cc9d98a15~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/625e5f_1a06e614b3584c4a98b03e1cc9d98a15~mv2.png)
Professor Clare Gilbert, FRCOphth MD MSc , Professor of International Eye Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, U.K , Professor Brain Darlow MA MD (Cantab) FRCP FRACP , Neonatologist, Chair of Paediatrics, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand and Professor Graham Quinn, MD, MSCE, attending surgeon in the Division of Paediatric Ophthalmology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia are pleased to share a series of three video presentations on Retinopathy of Prematurity .
This series covers :
The epidemiology of ROP
Primary Prevention of ROP
Screening and treatment of ROP
COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc)-developed Educational Webinars were made possible through unrestricted educational grants from AbbVie (www.abbvie.com).
The first two educational projects (online lessons) are Basic Principles of Newborn Assessment and Neonatal Infections. The first is Basic Principles of Newborn Assessment presented by Dr. Carole Kenner, Executive Director COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc), with the emphasis on assessment of the newborn when there are limited technology resources. The second seminar is presented by Patricia Bromley, lecturer from the School of Nursing & Midwifery at the University of Tasmania, Australia, and discusses the pathophysiology, infection control issues, and standard hygiene practices. The first two educational projects are available here.
The third presentation (below on this page), presented by Dr. Susan Blackburn,Enhancing Parenting, is about the importance of parenting in the special care nurseries and NICU.
Covid-19 highlights the world’s chronic shortage of life saving medical oxygen: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/06/01/covid-19-highlights-the-worlds-chronic-shortage-of-life-saving-medical-oxygen/
COVID-19 highlights the world’s chronic shortage of life saving medical oxygen: https://pmnch.who.int/news-and-events/news/item/01-06-2021-covid-19-highlights-the-world-s-chronic-shortage-of-life-saving-medical-oxygen
EFCNI website: https://www.efcni.org/
World prematurity day and resources: https://www.efcni.org/activities/campaigns/wpd/wpdmaterial/
“A healthy pregnancy. All that matters now” | download
The English edition of the brochure with many tips for expecting parents (from EFCNI, 2015). Also available in German – for free download go here.
American Nurses Association: Essentials of Genetic and Genomic Nursing: Competencies, Curricula Guidelines, and Outcome Indicators, 2nd Edition, 2009 | download here
COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc) was one of the 47 nursing organizations that endorsed these competencies.
British Association of Perinatal Medicine: A Core Syllabus for Clinical Competency for Neonatal Nurses (2012) | download here
Care of the Newborn Reference Manual (2004) by Beck, Ganges, Goldman and Long (Save the Children) from Healthy Newborn Network | download
Caring for Tomorrow – the EFCNI White Paper on Maternal and Newborn Health and Aftercare Services | download here
Comforting Your Baby in Intensive Care written by internationally known expert, Dr. Linda Frank, is a guide for parents to help them learn about their infant and pain. The free booklet is available in English and Spanish. Either PDF or iBOOKS version is available | download here
EU Benchmarking report on prematurity across Europe (also re from EFCNI) (2009-2010) | download here
Essential Newborn Nursing for Small Hospitals (2004) | download here
This document focuses on the needs of nurses in hospitals that have limited neonatal resources. Pictures and diagrams help nurses to learn new skills for level II nurseries (intermediate care nurseries).
Every Newborn: An Action Plan to End Preventable Deaths (overview) | download
Families’ Bridge to Caring Hands | website
designed to provide families with anticipatory guidance and knowledge that is needed to be engaged members of the care team and informed advocates for their baby. Our family-support program facilitates a personal connection between high risk antepartum families and their healthcare team, and provides parents with valuable resources through our NICU Ambassador RN program as well as through modules located in the patient portal on our website.
Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (2010) | download
7 reports published by the Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS) in BMC Pregnancy in Childbirth in 2010 to highlight the incidence of this public health concern, discuss the efficacy of evidence-based solutions to address it, and look at ways to advocate and mobilize resources for the same.
Healthy Newborn Network videos on neonatal/infant/maternal care | watch here
INTERGROWTH-21st Newborn Size at Birth Charts | download for boys or girls
Sex-specific standards for weight, length, and head circumference for gestational age at birth that complement the available WHO Child Growth Standards and allow comparisons across populations. For more information, please visit https://intergrowth21.tghn.org
Lancet Articles on Neonatal Survival (2005) | download
March of Dimes: Pregnancy and Health Profile | download
Free software to help patients and health professionals to identify and discuss genetic risk factors on the base of family health history. Explore the brochure and find the resource here.
Multidisciplinary Guidelines for the Care of Late Preterm Infants (2013) by National Perinatal Association, USA | download
The National Perinatal Association is pleased to share the important new guidelines for the care of late preterm infants. This new tool for healthcare providers, parents, case managers and others who care for infants and children born 34-36 6/7 weeks gestation, provides evidence-based recommendations of the management of late preterm infants from birth through childhood
Neo-BFHI: The Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative for Neonatal Wards: Three Guiding Principles and Ten Steps to protect, promote and support breastfeeding: core document with recommended standards and criteria – by Nyqvist et al (2015) with Nordic and Quebec Working Group are available for download | download here
Newborn Care Charts: Management of Sick and Small Newborns in Hospital (2010) created by Save the Children, UNICEF, Limpopo Initiative for Newborn Care, Limpopo University | download
Newborn Care Charts for Management of Sick and Small Newborns in Hospital are designed to be used by doctors and nurses at the district and regional hospital level and provide a ready reference for assessment, classification, and treatment of sick and small newborns as well as an overview of routine care that should be provided to all newborns.
UNICEF: Committing to Child Survival: A promise Renewed (Progress Report 2013) | download here
UNICEF: What Works for Children in South Asia: Newborn Care: an overview (2004) | download here
World Health Organization (WHO): Child Growth Standards | download here
The new WHO growth charts are based on a study of more than 8,000 children from around the world raised in environments that promote healthy growth, such as breastfeeding, healthy diets and adequate healthcare.
WHO: Managing newborn problems (2003) | download
Also see more on infant and maternal health
WHO; March of Dimes; The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health; Save the Children: Born too soon: the Global Action Report on Preterm Birth download here
WHO: Guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding (2010) | download
Principles and recommendations for infant feeding in the context of HIV and a summary of evidence
WHO (2013): Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Primary Health Care: Nursing and Midwifery Perspectives and WHO Nursing and Midwifery Progress report 2008-2012 | download
Two WHO publications pertaining to nursing and midwifery.
Withdrawal Assessment tool (in multiple languages) is available for measuring hospital opioid withdrawal symptoms in babies (University of California San Francisco) | download
Ultra-Early Intervention Conference at the Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden – March 2015
Over 6 hours of wonderful presentations and discussions on ultra-early interventions – free webinar from Stockholm, Karolinska University. The 6th Stockholm Conference on evidence based (ultra-) early interventions for infants at risk was hosted in March 2015 by EFCNI (European Foundation for Care of the Newborn Infant) and EADCare (European Association for Developmental Care). Presentations of the conference is available here: http://ultra-early intervention.creo.tv/2015/sandning
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute & University of Ottawa – Be sweet to babies/neonatal pain management | watch video (in English and French)
Several evidence-based educational videos are available in different languages. Watch neonatal pain management in Portuguese here, in Spanish here, and Inuktitut here. Mandarin and Arabic versions are coming soon.
Global Health 2035: A world Converging within a Generation | website
An independent commission of 25 renowned economists and global health experts from around the world came together from December 2012 to July 2013 to revisit the case for health investment (report published in The Lancet, on December, 2013).
HealthPhone, Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Library | watch videos
HealthPhone™ is a personal video reference library and guide to better health and nutrition practices, for families and communities, including the illiterate, in their language, distributed on mobile phones.
Every Newborn: An Action Plan to End Preventable Deaths | watch video
This video highlights the major causes of newborn mortality and interventions that can generate impact and how the Every Newborn action plan will provide the linkages for change in low-resource countries around the world. You can also download an overview of this presentation (go to Materials for download)
Medical Aid Films – check for videos in different languages on newborn health | watch videos
Open Pediatrics is a free of charge web source for pediatric clinicians, including neonatal specialty | watch videos
Save the Children: Surviving the First Day | download
The 14th annual State of the World’s Mothers report looks at the critical first day of life when mothers and newborns face the greatest threats to survival
The Recife Political Declaration on Human Resources for Health: renewed commitments towards universal health coverage (November, 13, 2013) | download here
Ultra-Early Intervention Conference at the Karolinska University Hospital NIDCAP Training Center of May 16th, 2013
Free and full coverage of this conference with the focus on parent-infant interactions and long-term effects of these relationships on infants and parents. Follow this link; no login is needed – just click on play button! Handouts and pdf are available as well, thanks to Karolinska NIDCAP Training Center, EFCNI and EADCare and generous sponsor support from AbbVie, Covidien, KANMED, Vygon, PulmieCare AB, and other companies.
* Use the information on this page at your discretion. COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc) does not bear responsibility for changing contents of the websites. All information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a legal contract between COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc) and any organization unless otherwise specified. COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc) does not necessarily endorse the materials created and maintained by a variety of sources external to COINN (Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc)
Do No Harm-Maternal Newborn Infant Care during COVID-19.
Respiratory Diseases of the Newborn Infant
Editors: Ian P. Sinha, Jayesh Mahendra Bhatt, Alex Cleator and Helen Wallace
Publication date: June 2021
So much of our lung health throughout life is determined by what happens before birth and when we are born. Managing respiratory problems in newborn infants requires experience and teamwork, an understanding of the background to the problems, and knowledge of the evidence behind the clinical options available. In this Monograph, science, evidence and expertise are brought together in a collection of comprehensive, state-of-the-art reviews that cover: the structure and function of the newborn respiratory system; neonatal lung disease in preterm infants; developmental, structural and functional diseases of the respiratory system; and more. This book will prove a valuable resource for neonatal clinicians, scientists researching the area and adult clinicians managing lung health.
https://books.ersjournals.com/content/respiratory-diseases-of-the-newborn-infant - For online access to the book
To order print copies of the book - https://books.ersjournals.com/content/respiratory-diseases-of-the-newborn-infant
The Role of Midwives and Nurses in Protecting, Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding - Midwives and nurses playing a vital role in breastfeeding worldwide
Neonatal care during the COVID-19 pandemic - a global survey of parents’ experiences regarding infant and family-centred developmental care
WHO - Essential Newborn Care Course, Interim version of second edition
The World Health Organization in collaboration with partners around the world has developed an interim version of the second edition of the Essential Newborn Care Course (ENCC). The material provides the foundation for the essential care of every newborn: immediate care at birth, resuscitation when needed, breast milk feeding, thermal care, prevention of infection, recognition and response to danger signs. This course is part of a set of resources for improving care of newborns, such as WHO Human Resource Strategies for improving neonatal care, WHO standards for improving the quality of care for maternal and newborn health, small and sick newborns in health facilities.

We are delighted to announce the Family and Infant Neurodevelopmental Care eLearning program is now live.
10% discount code

2021 INC Scientific Workshop
C-Path’s International Neonatal Consortium held its two-day annual scientific workshop in a virtual format, October 19-20, 2021.
Communication tools

Geralyn Sue Prullage, Carolle Kernner, Mustapha Mahama, Victoria Awalenkak Agwiah, Mavis Suglo (2024). Providing standardized neonatal education in Northern Ghana. Elsevier Journal.
Access journal: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1355184124000772

The iKMC News series by the American Academy of Pediatrics
The iKMC News series by the American Academy of Pediatrics through funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in collaboration with the World Health Organization, other implementing organisations and several national professional societies, showcases a series of webinars aimed at promoting new evidence on immediate Kangaroo Mother Care (iKMC).
This series features global experts in iKMC and small and sick newborn care supporting a global paradigm shift of zero separation for mothers and babies with a goal to improve quality of care and outcomes for small and sick newborns.
Access resource: https://www.aap.org/en/aap-global/immediate-kangaroo-mother-care-ikmc/

The KMC info pack from the Newborn toolkit
To highlight the benefits and planning required for implementing effective KMC initiatives, we encourage you to read through the KMC related material collated by the Newborn toolkit team.
Access resource in English: https://newborntoolkit.org/toolkit?language=en
Access resource in French: https://www.newborntoolkit.org/toolkit?language=fr

Country Experiences with iKMC
The 'Kangaroo mother care' method: India introduces first ward to provide immediate KMC
Following the WHO iKMC study, India introduced the first ward to provide iKMC health services at the hospital where the trial was conducted in new Dehli.
Access resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlV6B1y4Fs4

Global Advocacy and Implementation Guide - International Stillbirth Alliance
This action-focused guide brings together existing resources and practical guidance to inform planning, investments and programmes aimed at ending preventable stillbirths and improving care for all women and families who experience stillbirth. It also highlights case studies from a wide range of contexts to showcase what can be achieved.
Access resource: https://www.stillbirthalliance.org/global-advocacy-and-implementation-guide/
Canadian Neonatal Foundation - Quality Improvement integrated Kangaroo Mother Care
Kangaroo mother care (KMC) for low birthweight babies has been proven to reduce neonatal mortality and improve outcomes for survivors, particularly in low- and lower-middle income countries. Despite the evidence of significant benefits from these well-designed educational programs, the uptake of KMC has been patchy worldwide.
Dissemination and implementation of effective healthcare practices require more than good science and effective educational strategies: they need strategic implementation of scientific methodologies. Quality Improvement-integrated Kangaroo Mother Care (QIiKMC) combines clinical and quality improvement training into a single program.
The Canadian Neonatal Foundation has partnered with the International Pediatric Association to make QIiKMC materials freely available for all. By registering on our website, visitors can download QIiKMC materials for unlimited use by their teams and healthcare trainees.
Access resource: https://www.cnf-fnc.ca/programs/quality-improvement-integrated-kangaroo-mother-care

Small and sick newborn care - Implementation Toolkit
This toolkit brings together readings, tools and learnings for implementers to act, use, share and learn.
Access resource: https://newborntoolkit.org/?language=en

The Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN) and Project HOPE have collaborated on the development of a Landscape Analysis that attempts to examine the extent of specialized neonatal nursing education programs across Africa. This analysis is aligned with the WHO strategy 4: Create and train a new cadre of specialized neonatal nurses and examine the extent to which Neonatal Bachelor and Master degree programs are in existence or in development that aim to prepare this cadre in sub-Saharan Africa. With the establishment of the COINN Global Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC) and Community of Practice (CoP)-specifically the Community of Neonatal Nursing Practice (CoNP), funded by the Gates Foundation, it was recommended that GTAC, in collaboration with Project HOPE, provide an update anddescription on the existing neonatal nursing degrees as well as identification of developing programs in Africa. A previous analysis was initiated in 2021 by Project HOPE and COINN but was limited due to existing resources. The experience from this earlier analysis was helpful to meeting the challenges of the current more extensive analysis.
Results Report: Download

Global Nursing Network, Rare Diseases
Creating a community of practice for all nurses to support children, adults and families living with rare and undiagnosed diseases.
Access Resource: https://www.gnnrd.org/
FastHPOCR: pragmatic, fast, and accurate concept recognition using the human phenotype ontology
Access Resource: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38913850/
A Diagnostic Odyssey – Red Flags in the Red Sand
Access Resource: https://www.m4rd.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Red-flags-in-the-red-sand-Diagnostic-Odyssey-Baynam-Medicus-2015.pdf